Lessons I’m learning from: Rest.

This is a much shorter blog than normal; the past week my body crashed and I have spent the non-working hours sleeping. This lesson in pretty relevant.

Rest is something I have been learning to put into my daily routine. I am not the best person at being still, when I sit down I condemn myself for being lazy. I have been learning that to just keep going is not the answer. When I believe rest is found in scrolling through social media and binge watching Netflix, I am left feeling drained and exhausted. I have been learning to prioritise my time, cut down my social media and Netflix use and have started going to bed at a reasonable time.

Rest is vital in a world that is connected 24/7 and is fighting to have our attention and time constantly. I have found the more I give of myself, the more that people will take. To keep going was how I was motivated to live because I feared missing out. It was a reckless way to live because there is such peace and joy in rest. In knowing that  I can leave/surrender all my worries to God. Has enabled me to accept rest as a necessity. For God even rested on the 7th day. If God saw rest as vital, then it is not something that I should simply disregard.

One of the most famous Bible verses, Psalm 46v10 ‘He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’. If we are commanded to be still, then we need to learn to do that. To have faith in all things that God is in control, to know that the fear we have can be surrendered. This is something I am learning to do daily, I am a constant worrier and I fret over EVERYTHING. Slowly but surely, Jesus is enabling me to surrender control and allowing his peace to flow into the situation. Even yesterday, God reminded me to see the beauty and the freedom in what I enjoy doing to give me rest and peace after a long week. That each moment of my life does not have to be so pressurised and timed. Rest is a blessing to receive, for now it is something I can enjoy doing without any commitments to other people. For now I am going to enjoy resting.

I pray that if you have been going non-stop, please slow down and rest. If it takes your body to crash for you to slow down, that will only ever do you more harm than good. Take some time to breathe in the fresh air, give yourself time away from the things that consume all your time. Do not be afraid to ask for help, you are not meant to do life on our own.

May you always remember that you are loved and cherished. May you have a blessed week, finding peace where you can. Love Victoria. xx

One thought on “Lessons I’m learning from: Rest.

  1. Jesus says come unto me and I will give you rest. Learning to be still to rest in His Presence is a very hard lesson to learn and apply. We come to Him and worship pray listen we always feel when we come to Jesus we always have to do something. The greatest thing we can do in coming to Him is rest do nothing. Excellent blog Victoria


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